As the name implies, your cat will go absolutely crazy for the Fruitables Wildly Natural Salmon Flavor Cat Treats. Featuring a crunchy exterior and a flaky interior that pleases all of his kitty senses, this flavorful recipe uses just 14 ingredientswhich cuts down on a lot of the junk that is often found in cat treats. And youll also be happy to know that they weigh in at just 1.9 calories per treat, which helps your cat to weigh in at his most lean and healthy self. Plus, the six-petal flower shape provides an interesting texture that adds to the snacking experience.
- All-natural, salmon-flavored treats have a crispy, crunchy exterior and a flaky interior.
- Made with just 14 ingredients that leaves out the stuff he doesn’t need to eat
- Only 1.9 calories per treat and helps to reduce hunger in between meals.
- Six-petal flower shape provides an interesting texture that appeals to cats.
- Made in the USA by the veterinarian-owned company with about 180 treats per bag.
Available Size: 2.5 oz